Please read this information carefully so that you know what to expect on arrival.
If you will be living in College accommodation
When should I travel to Cambridge?
If you need to arrive before the start date of your room license, it may be possible to arrange an earlier arrival – please email the Accommodation Office to arrange this:
If you will need to quarantine on arrival, please aim to arrive between 1-10 September if possible. The UK Government list of countries requiring quarantine changes frequently, so we acknowledge that some students arriving after 10 September will still need to quarantine.
What to do when you arrive at College
If you are taking a taxi to College, please ask for St Edmund’s College, Mount Pleasant, CB3 0BN.
When you arrive at College, please report to Reception in the Norfolk Building. Reception is only big enough for one person at a time, so please wait until the previous person has finished. There will be queuing arrangements in place on the main arrival dates, directly opposite the Reception on the grassed area. If you need to use the bathroom while queuing, you will be able to enter the building in order to do this. Please ensure that you follow social distancing while in the queue.
If anyone is travelling with you, please ask them to remain outside while you sign in at Reception.
When you enter Reception, please wear your face mask. You will be asked to use the hand sanitiser.
Reception will issue your University Card. This is also your room key, so please take good care of it. (If you arrive before the University Cards have been issued to Colleges, you will be given a temporary access card for use around the College site, and you will be notified when your University Card is ready to collect.)
You should then go directly to your room. The Reception staff will point you in the right direction and there will be signage around the site. If anyone is travelling with you, we ask that only 1 person helps you move your things into the room. They will need to wear a face covering and gloves while helping you (please bring these with you), and they will need to leave the accommodation building as soon as you have finished moving your things in.
What to do next if you have to quarantine [awaiting final version]
What to do next if you do not have to quarantine – STILL TO DO
How to access the College wifi
Information about College “households” – STILL TO DO
If you will be living in private accommodation
When should I travel to Cambridge?
You will be able to arrive in Cambridge on the date that your accommodation contract begins. If you need to arrive before this date, ask your landlord whether your contract start date can be brought forward. If the date cannot be changed, you will need to find temporary accommodation until you are able to move into your room for the year. The University Accommodation website has a list of temporary accommodation providers:
What to do when you arrive in Cambridge
Your landlord / letting agent will let you know the arrangements to collect your room key. They will have procedures in place to ensure that you can do this safely. Please ensure that you follow all instructions given to you by your accommodation provider.
In early September we will publish more information for students living in private accommodation about arrangements for coming on to the College campus during 2020-21. This will include arrangements for collecting your University card and fetching any post from your pigeonhole at the start of the year.